
Missionaries to Haiti: Deacon Fignole and Vickie D'Haiti

The  Call to Haiti:
God called Deacon Fignole and Vickie D'Haiti, to Haiti in 1998. Deacon D'Haiti made the 1st trip in February 1998, and 2nd trip in November 1998, after that, his wife, Vickie, joined him on the 3rd mission trip to Haiti.
Since then, they have been traveling together to Haiti. They started the church under a citrus tree, after that, they built a shack from a coconut leave, call tonelle. This coconut leave shack, provided shelter against the sun but not against the rain.  During the worship services, if it rained, they all got wet because the leaves did not protect them from the rain. The D'Haitis not only invested their time and energy as they answered the missions call to Haiti. They also invested their finances by sending funds to build a Zink or sheet metal church to protect them from the rain. But then when the temperatures were high and the sun was too hot, no one could stayed inside this Zink church. They had to pay to get the Zink roof insulated, in order to keep out the heat from the sun. The D'Haitis travelled back and forth from Haiti regularly, while in Haiti, they feed the hungry and provided supplies to kids and held worship and deliverance services, where many came to the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ.
After many years of fundraising, and financial support from the First Assembly of God, New Rochelle church, Pastor, members, family and friends, in 2022, Temple of Assemblee De Dieu Miracle Par La Foi in Haiti was built and officially opened. Praise Be to God!